Monday, 21 November 2011

History of Import Scene

Modifying cars is very popular with youths in America since hotrod cars were invented in the 1950's and 1960's. In the 1965 was the earliest reported import drag race in America, with Volkswagen Beetles, Sit-up-and-beg Ford Populars and Austin A40 Devons in Southern California. This was found by a published magazine article Hot Rod Magazine in August 1965.

Puerto Rico also has a long history of pioneering import drag racing in the mid 1970's and 1980's, and it is still a huge hobby on the island to this day. They also do road racing (street racing) and this has also been a sporting tradition. There are many important, and highlighted races that are run every year on Puerto Rico and many are drag racing. There is a whole website relating to all the events and races:
In the 1980's, and early 90's front wheel drive cars started to be used more and more often and become more popular. This was mostly Honda's brand from Japan, and with this came Asian and American youngsters to race. Young Asian and Americans started the development of the early street racing scene.
As Import Scene started to become more and more popular, soon there was venues for Import Racing often packed with over 10,000 spectators. As Import Racing become so big import racing hosted a 'Batte of the Imports' championship in the mid 90's. Another major factor for Import Scene was clubs, and showrooms for the teams, and cars that compete in championships. To the right is a poster of BOTI (Battle of the Imports) of 2009, the poster is very simple, and shows exactly what this event is about.

Street Racing is illegal racing that takes place on public roads. This can be spontaneous, or planned out well with many competitors, and spectators to watch. If a street race is planned this often has a two way conversation with a police scanners and GPS units to locate hot spots for illegal street racing. If someone has reported the illegal street race, one of the spectators usually picks this up and broadcasts this to the rest of the street race public.
Street Racing has originated from 1930's and has been known for there repercussions from 'lack of saftey' and road incidents.

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